Deep-fried products are popular and present in all cuisines around the world due to their unique sensory properties. However, thermal processing may reduce their nutritional value. Moreover, fried products have a high energy value, which is related to the absorption of frying fat. High temperatures, contact with oxygen, and the presence of other ingredients from fried food may contribute to the formation of compounds dangerous to human health, e.g. acrylamide. The study analyzed frying mediums (high-oleic sunflower oil(HOSO) and HOSO with the addition of rice bran wax (1g/100ml) and potato crackers. There was no statistically significant effect of wax on the fat and acrylamide content in the product. Rice bran wax in the frying medium reduced the browning index and hardness of the crackers. The values of chemical parameters of mediums proved their good quality after 16 hours of the frying process.
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